ERP is an abbreviated form of Enterprise Resource Planning. This software was initially being put in use by the large corporate people in order to integrate and automate the entire diverse departments of the enterprise. So, the small-sized companies use to purchase the individual accounting and payroll packages initially and then migrated to some expensive ERP solutions as per requirement.
What makes the Open sources more preferable?
- It is considered as the huge technically qualified community.
- It is known for the very definition and is open to change from the users.
- It comes with a minimum cost. IT is rather seen that all the open-source components are completely free or nearly free of cost.
- Even, maintenance facility is now extended and made available from the third party vendors at a very nominal charge.
- One gets to find regular upgrades at no cost.
Hence, any of the software developed on the Open source platform proves to be less expensive when it comes to implementation. All this even provided an opportunity to develop large complex application such as ERP on open sources. However, now even the SMEs in their early stage of the operation is able to exploit and make use of ERP software open sources. There are multiple choices available for the people, and all one needs to do is check the individual requirement and test the software to use one as per their suitability.
There is no doubt in this that the ERP manufacturing module makes the entire procedure to be simple and transparent. This robust platform came forward with multiple web-based solutions. It got acceptability from the mass and received venture funds. The entire concept helps in to reduce the technicalities by coming forward with all the need-based solution. The bigger the organization, the more is the procedure, and this calls the demand for Enterprise Resource Planning. ERP helps in to ease the entire operational work for the small and medium-sized enterprise. Therefore, it is even known as the viable business solution for the industry users as well as the investors.
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